If you are boarding with us, please view Additional Policies at the bottom of the page
Boarding Drop-off & Pick-up Times
Sunday: 9-10 am & 2-4 pm
Monday-Saturday: 7:30 am-4 pm
*Our rates are charged on a nightly basis. Check out time on the last day is 12 pm on regular business days (Sunday is exempt from day stay fees), but your pet is welcome to stay later for an additional fee. If pick-up is past 12 pm there is an additional $28 day stay fee. To avoid the day stay fee, you can schedule a groom (House or Pro; nail trims don’t apply) on the last day so your furry loved one goes home shedding less and smelling great!
Pricing & Add-Ons
Dog (0-20 lb) Nightly: $40
Dog (21-44 lb) Nightly: $45
Dog (45+ lb) Nightly: $50
Dog Half Day-Stay (Under 5 hours): $12
Dog Full Day-Stay (Over 5 hours): $15
Day Stay Fee $15 (when picked up after 12 noon *doesn’t apply to Sundays)
Holiday +$5, for night of holiday only
One-on-One Playtime $5/session
Peanut Butter Kong $3
Peanut Butter Bully Stick $4
Dinner Special $7
Treat Sprinkle $2
Medication Administration $1/dose
CBD Calming Oil $5/dose
*While dogs may vary in size, energy level, and personality, virtually all dogs require the same amount of care and responsibility. This is why at Townhouse we have a standard flat rate for all our boarding guests.
What We Provide
We provide food, water, bowls, blankets, bedding, and can distribute medications (in their original bottles) if needed. Feel free to bring your own food if you like! *We may charge for food if dogs won't eat our provided food (that's if you don't bring any), or if they require a special diet.
Temperature controlled areas to sleep and play in throughout their stay.
Spacious covered runs with rubber mats for play and exercise outside.
Dogs can see and interact with one another from the safety of their own runs despite their age, behavior, or size.
During seasons of more extreme temperatures dog guests are rotated throughout the day from inside to outside to have just the perfect amount of playtime, rest, and comfort-ability.
We observe each dog's body functions and activities throughout the day which are then recorded by our trained pet care technicians. Potential problems are caught and treated early.
We also provide play times to help make your pet's stay exciting. Play times are one-on-one time with a with a team member. Dogs receive tummy rubs, get to play fetch, enjoy hugs, and get treats.
What We Require
We require all our pet guests to have current immunization. Vaccine records must be provided before the stay; either as a physical paper copy, or emailed to us. We cannot accept self-administered vaccines or titers; they must be administered by a veterinarian. It is recommend that all boarding dogs have at least 3-5 days from when they were last vaccinated before boarding with us.
For dogs, they must have: DHPP/DAPP, Rabies, and Bordetella.We must have a physical contract filled out by the owner prior to or at drop off. This contract is one-time only, and will remain in affect for the life of pet or until revoked by owner in writing.
We must have a local emergency contact provided at drop off.
Please provide medications in their original bottles.
Additional Policies
A $40 non-refundable deposit is required for any stays that occur during the week of any of the listed holidays (on the holiday page). The deposit is non-refundable in the event of cancellation, however if the reservation is fulfilled the deposit will apply toward your stay.
Puppy/Kitten Policy: In order to board, puppies/kittens must be old enough to have received their entire first round of vaccinations. For puppies this includes Rabies, Bordetella, Distemper/Parvo. For kittens, this includes Rabies and Feline Distemper (FVRCP). Some vaccines require multiple boosters; their boosters must be current through the end of the stay.
Existing Wound/Stitches Policy: We cannot accept pets who come in with open wounds that require wrapping and consistent care and/or pets with stitches. It is an infection risk. We are also not vet professionals, therefore cannot guarantee proper monitoring of the wound.
Vaccination Waiver Policy: All pets must be vaccinated for the required vaccinations, and it is the owners’ responsibility to ensure their pets is up-to-date and proof is provided. We do not have a waiver to provide in the event that a vaccine is forgotten. However, we will accept veterinary-provided waivers due to old age, declining health, or disease that prevents the pet from receiving vaccinations. This must be presented prior to or at the time of drop off, and must be from the veterinary clinic itself. We will store a copy of it on file.
Long-Stay Policy: For all boarding stays that are three weeks or longer, we will require a 50% deposit at drop off.
Aggression/Bite Policy: If a pet shows significant human-aggression or bites a team member, we will notify the owner immediately and may request immediate pick up from either grooming or boarding. Owner will be responsible for all boarding/grooming services rendered up until that point. We reserve the right to refuse future service for the safety of the team and pet.
Day Stay Policy: Our checkout time for boarding is 12 pm. If a pet is picked up past checkout time, there is a $28 day stay fee for dogs or a $18 day stay fee for cats. Exceptions are Sundays; there is no day stay fee on Sundays.
Flea Policy: We do not require pets to be on flea preventative, however if we find fleas at any point we have the right to treat the pet at our discretion and the owners’ cost. We will make every attempt to reach the owner, but in the event we cannot, we will use either a flea shampoo of our choosing or a Capstar flea pill. The pet will be isolated from other pets while in our care until fleas are resolved.
Chronic Illness Policy: We cannot board pets with certain chronic illnesses. Please call us to inquire on this policy if you have a pet with chronic illness. We also cannot board pets with injectable medications at this time.
Intact Pet Policy: While we do accept intact pets, we cannot accept females during a current heat cycle. We also cannot accept pregnant females.